

Section 10.2 and Lemma 10.0.3 #


def C10_2_1 (a : ) :

The constant used in nontangential_from_simple. I(F) think the constant needs to be fixed in the blueprint.

Instances For
    theorem C10_2_1_def (a : ) :
    C10_2_1 a = 2 ^ (4 * a)

    Lemma 10.2.1, formulated differently. The blueprint version is basically this after unfolding HasBoundedWeakType, wnorm and wnorm'.

    theorem lebesgue_differentiation {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} (hmf : Measurable f) (hf : MeasureTheory.eLpNorm f MeasureTheory.volume < ) (h2f : MeasureTheory.volume ( f) < ) :
    ∀ᵐ (x : X), ∃ (c : X) (r : ), Filter.Tendsto (fun (i : ) => (y : X) in Metric.ball (c i) (r i), f y) Filter.atTop (nhds (f x)) Filter.Tendsto r Filter.atTop (nhdsWithin 0 (Set.Ioi 0)) ∀ (i : ), x Metric.ball (c i) (r i)

    Lemma 10.2.2. Should be an easy consequence of VitaliFamily.ae_tendsto_average.

    Lemma 10.2.3 is in Mathlib: Pairwise.countable_of_isOpen_disjoint.

    theorem ball_covering {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {O : Set X} (hO : IsOpen O O Set.univ) :
    ∃ (c : X) (r : ), (Set.univ.PairwiseDisjoint fun (i : ) => Metric.closedBall (c i) (r i)) ⋃ (i : ), Metric.ball (c i) (3 * r i) = O (∀ (i : ), ¬Disjoint (Metric.ball (c i) (7 * r i)) O) xO, {i : | x Metric.ball (c i) (3 * r i)} ↑(2 ^ (6 * a))

    Lemma 10.2.4 This is very similar to Vitali.exists_disjoint_subfamily_covering_enlargement. Can we use that (or adapt it so that we can use it)?

    Lemma 10.2.5 #

    Lemma 10.2.5 has an annoying case distinction between the case E_α ≠ X (general case) and E_α = X (finite case). It isn't easy to get rid of this case distinction.

    In the formalization we state most properties of Lemma 10.2.5 twice, once for each case (in some cases the condition is vacuous in the finite case, and then we omit it)

    We could have tried harder to uniformize the cases, but in the finite case there is really only set B*_j, and in the general case it is convenient to index B*_j by the natural numbers.

    def BoundedFiniteSupport {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] (f : X) :

    An auxillary definition bundling the properties of Lemma 10.2.5 so that we don't have to write this every time. Slightly weaker than BoundedCompactSupport.

    Instances For
      def GeneralCase {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] (f : X) (α : ENNReal) :

      The property specifying whether we are in the "general case".

      Instances For

        In the finite case, the volume of X is finite.

        def czCenter {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (i : ) :

        The center of B_j in the proof of Lemma 10.2.5 (general case).

        Instances For
          def czRadius {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (i : ) :

          The radius of B_j in the proof of Lemma 10.2.5 (general case).

          Instances For
            @[reducible, inline]
            abbrev czBall {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (i : ) :
            Set X

            The ball B_j in the proof of Lemma 10.2.5 (general case).

            Instances For
              @[reducible, inline]
              abbrev czBall2 {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (i : ) :
              Set X

              The ball B_j' introduced below Lemma 10.2.5 (general case).

              Instances For
                @[reducible, inline]
                abbrev czBall3 {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (i : ) :
                Set X

                The ball B_j* in Lemma 10.2.5 (general case).

                Instances For
                  @[reducible, inline]
                  abbrev czBall7 {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (i : ) :
                  Set X

                  The ball B_j** in the proof of Lemma 10.2.5 (general case).

                  Instances For
                    theorem cardinalMk_czBall3_le {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} {hX : GeneralCase f α} {y : X} (hy : α < globalMaximalFunction MeasureTheory.volume 1 f y) :
           {i : | y czBall3 hf hX i} ↑(2 ^ (6 * a))

                    Part of Lemma 10.2.5 (general case).

                    def czPartition {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (i : ) :
                    Set X

                    Q_i in the proof of Lemma 10.2.5 (general case).

                    Instances For
                      theorem czBall_subset_czPartition {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} {hX : GeneralCase f α} {i : } :
                      czBall hf hX i czPartition hf hX i
                      theorem czPartition_pairwiseDisjoint' {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} {hX : GeneralCase f α} {x : X} {i j : } (hi : x czPartition hf hX i) (hj : x czPartition hf hX j) :
                      i = j

                      The function g in Lemma 10.2.5. (both cases)

                      Instances For
                        theorem czApproximation_def_of_mem {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} {hX : GeneralCase f α} {x : X} {i : } (hx : x czPartition hf hX i) :
                        czApproximation hf α x = (y : X) in czPartition hf hX i, f y
                        theorem czApproximation_def_of_volume_lt {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} {x : X} (hX : ¬GeneralCase f α) :
                        czApproximation hf α x = (y : X), f y
                        def czRemainder' {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (i : ) (x : X) :

                        The function b_i in Lemma 10.2.5 (general case).

                        Instances For
                          def czRemainder {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (α : ENNReal) (x : X) :

                          The function b = ∑ⱼ bⱼ introduced below Lemma 10.2.5. In the finite case, we also use this as the function b = b₁ in Lemma 10.2.5. We choose a more convenient definition, but prove in tsum_czRemainder' that this is the same.

                          Instances For
                            def tsum_czRemainder' {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (x : X) :
                            ∑ᶠ (i : ), czRemainder' hf hX i x = czRemainder hf α x

                            Part of Lemma 10.2.5, this is essentially (10.2.16) (both cases).

                            • =
                            Instances For

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5 (both cases).

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.16) (both cases). This is true by definition, the work lies in tsum_czRemainder'

                              theorem norm_czApproximation_le {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} ( : ⨍⁻ (x : X), f x‖ₑ < α) :
                              ∀ᵐ (x : X), czApproximation hf α x‖ₑ 2 ^ (3 * a) * α

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.17) (both cases).

                              theorem norm_czApproximation_le_infinite {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} (hX : GeneralCase f α) ( : 0 < α) :
                              ∀ᵐ (x : X), czApproximation hf α x‖ₑ 2 ^ (3 * a) * α

                              Equation (10.2.17) specialized to the general case.

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.18) (both cases).

                              theorem support_czRemainder'_subset {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} {hX : GeneralCase f α} ( : 0 < α) {i : } :

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.19) (general case).

                              theorem integral_czRemainder' {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} {hX : GeneralCase f α} ( : 0 < α) {i : } :
                              (x : X), czRemainder' hf hX i x = 0

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.20) (general case).

                              theorem integral_czRemainder {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} (hX : ¬GeneralCase f α) ( : 0 < α) :
                              (x : X), czRemainder hf α x = 0

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.20) (finite case).

                              theorem eLpNorm_czRemainder'_le {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} {hX : GeneralCase f α} ( : 0 < α) {i : } :

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.21) (general case).

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.21) (finite case).

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.22) (general case).

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.22) (finite case).

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.23) (general case).

                              Part of Lemma 10.2.5, equation (10.2.23) (finite case).

                              def c10_0_3 (a : ) :

                              The constant c introduced below Lemma 10.2.5.

                              Instances For
                                theorem c10_0_3_def (a : ) :
                                c10_0_3 a = (2 ^ (a ^ 3 + 12 * a + 4))⁻¹
                                def Ω {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (α : ENNReal) :
                                Set X

                                The set Ω introduced below Lemma 10.2.5.

                                Instances For
                                  theorem C10_2_6_def (a : ) :
                                  C10_2_6 a = 2 ^ (2 * a ^ 3 + 3 * a + 2) * c10_0_3 a
                                  def C10_2_6 (a : ) :

                                  The constant used in estimate_good.

                                  Instances For

                                    Lemma 10.2.6

                                    def C10_2_7 (a : ) :

                                    The constant used in czOperatorBound.

                                    Instances For
                                      theorem C10_2_7_def (a : ) :
                                      C10_2_7 a = 2 ^ (a ^ 3 + 2 * a + 1) * c10_0_3 a
                                      def czOperatorBound {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} (hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f) (hX : GeneralCase f α) (x : X) :

                                      The function F defined in Lemma 10.2.7.

                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For
                                        theorem estimate_bad_partial {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] {r : } {K : XX} {x : X} [IsTwoSidedKernel a K] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} ( : ⨍⁻ (x : X), f x‖ₑ / (c10_0_3 a) < α) (hx : x (Ω hf α)) (hX : GeneralCase f α) :
                                        czOperator K r (czRemainder hf α) x‖ₑ 3 * czOperatorBound hf hX x + α / 8

                                        Lemma 10.2.7. Note that hx implies hX, but we keep the superfluous hypothesis to shorten the statement.

                                        theorem C10_2_8_def (a : ) :
                                        C10_2_8 a = 2 ^ (a ^ 3 + 9 * a + 4)
                                        def C10_2_8 (a : ) :

                                        The constant used in distribution_czOperatorBound.

                                        Instances For
                                          def C10_2_9 (a : ) :

                                          The constant used in estimate_bad.

                                          Instances For
                                            theorem C10_2_9_def (a : ) :
                                            C10_2_9 a = 2 ^ (5 * a) / c10_0_3 a + 2 ^ (a ^ 3 + 9 * a + 4)
                                            theorem estimate_bad {X : Type u_1} {a : } [MetricSpace X] [MeasureTheory.DoublingMeasure X (defaultA a)] {r : } {K : XX} [IsTwoSidedKernel a K] [CompatibleFunctions X (defaultA a)] [IsCancellative X (defaultτ a)] {f : X} {α : ENNReal} {hf : BoundedFiniteSupport f} ( : ⨍⁻ (x : X), f x‖ₑ / (c10_0_3 a) < α) (hX : GeneralCase f α) :

                                            Lemma 10.2.9

                                            theorem C10_0_3_def (a : ) :
                                            C10_0_3 a = 2 ^ (a ^ 3 + 19 * a)
                                            def C10_0_3 (a : ) :

                                            The constant used in czoperator_weak_1_1.

                                            Instances For

                                              Lemma 10.0.3, formulated differently. The blueprint version is basically this after unfolding HasBoundedWeakType, wnorm and wnorm'.