The distribution function d_f
The distribution function of a function f
Todo: rename to something more Mathlib-appropriate.
Instances For
The weak L^p norm of a function, for p < ∞
- MeasureTheory.wnorm' f p μ = ⨆ (t : NNReal), ↑t * MeasureTheory.distribution f (↑t) μ ^ p⁻¹
Instances For
The weak L^p norm of a function.
- MeasureTheory.wnorm f p μ = if p = ⊤ then MeasureTheory.eLpNormEssSup f μ else MeasureTheory.wnorm' f p.toReal μ
Instances For
A function is in weak-L^p if it is (strongly a.e.)-measurable and has finite weak L^p norm.
- MeasureTheory.MemWℒp f p μ = (MeasureTheory.AEStronglyMeasurable f μ ∧ MeasureTheory.wnorm f p μ < ⊤)
Instances For
An operator has weak type (p, q)
if it is bounded as a map from L^p to weak-L^q.
HasWeakType T p p' μ ν c
means that T
has weak type (p, p') w.r.t. measures μ
, ν
and constant c
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Instances For
A weaker version of HasWeakType
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Instances For
An operator has strong type (p, q) if it is bounded as an operator on L^p → L^q
HasStrongType T p p' μ ν c
means that T
has strong type (p, p') w.r.t. measures μ
, ν
and constant c
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Instances For
A weaker version of HasStrongType
. This is the same as HasStrongType
if T
is continuous
w.r.t. the L^2 norm, but weaker in general.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Lemmas about HasWeakType
Lemmas about HasBoundedWeakType
Lemmas about HasStrongType
Lemmas about HasBoundedStrongType
The layer-cake theorem, or Cavalieri's principle for functions into a normed group.
The layer-cake theorem, or Cavalieri's principle, written using eLpNorm
The layer-cake theorem, or Cavalieri's principle, written using eLpNorm
, without
taking powers.