Section 7.1 and Lemma 7.1.3 #
The definition σ(u, x)
given in Section 7.1.
We may assume u ∈ t
whenever proving things about this definition.
- t.σ u x = Finset.image 𝔰 (Finset.filter (fun (p : 𝔓 X) => p ∈ (fun (x : 𝔓 X) => t.𝔗 x) u ∧ x ∈ E p) Finset.univ)
Instances For
- t.σMax u x hσ = (t.σ u x).max' hσ
Instances For
- t.σMin u x hσ = (t.σ u x).min' hσ
Instances For
The definition of `𝓙₀(𝔖), defined above Lemma 7.1.2
Instances For
The definition of `𝓙(𝔖), defined above Lemma 7.1.2
- TileStructure.Forest.𝓙 𝔖 = {x : Grid X | Maximal (fun (x : Grid X) => x ∈ TileStructure.Forest.𝓙₀ 𝔖) x}
Instances For
The definition of `𝓛₀(𝔖), defined above Lemma 7.1.2
Instances For
The definition of `𝓛(𝔖), defined above Lemma 7.1.2
- TileStructure.Forest.𝓛 𝔖 = {x : Grid X | Maximal (fun (x : Grid X) => x ∈ TileStructure.Forest.𝓛₀ 𝔖) x}
Instances For
The projection operator P_𝓒 f(x)
, given above Lemma 7.1.3.
In lemmas the c
will be pairwise disjoint on C
- TileStructure.Forest.approxOnCube C f x = ∑ J ∈ Finset.filter (fun (p : Grid X) => p ∈ C) Finset.univ, (↑J).indicator (fun (x : X) => ⨍ (y : X) in ↑J, f y) x
Instances For
The definition I_i(x)
, given above Lemma 7.1.3.
The cube of scale s
that contains x
. There is at most 1 such cube, if it exists.
- TileStructure.Forest.cubeOf i x = Classical.epsilon fun (I : Grid X) => x ∈ I ∧ s I = i
Instances For
The definition T_𝓝^θ f(x)
, given in (7.1.3).
For convenience, the suprema are written a bit differently than in the blueprint
(avoiding cubeOf
), but this should be equivalent.
This is 0
if x
doesn't lie in a cube.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The operator S_{1,𝔲} f(x)
, given in (7.1.4).
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The indexing set for the collection of balls 𝓑, defined above Lemma 7.1.3.
Instances For
The center function for the collection of balls 𝓑.
- TileStructure.Forest.c𝓑 z = c z.2
Instances For
The radius function for the collection of balls 𝓑.
Instances For
Lemma 7.1.1, freely translated.
The constant used in first_tree_pointwise
Has value 10 * 2 ^ (104 * a ^ 3)
in the blueprint.
Instances For
Lemma 7.1.4
Lemma 7.1.5
The constant used in third_tree_pointwise
Has value 2 ^ (151 * a ^ 3)
in the blueprint.
- TileStructure.Forest.C7_1_6 a = 2 ^ (151 * ↑a ^ 3)
Instances For
Lemma 7.1.6
The constant used in pointwise_tree_estimate
Has value 2 ^ (151 * a ^ 3)
in the blueprint.
Instances For
Lemma 7.1.3.