9 Proof of Vitali covering and Hardy–Littlewood
We begin with a classical representation of the Lebesgue norm.
Let \(1\le p{\lt} \infty \). Then for any measurable function \(u:X\to [0,\infty )\) on the measure space \(X\) relative to the measure \(\mu \) we have
The left-hand side of 9.0.1 is by definition
Writing \(u(x)\) as an elementary integral in \(\lambda \) and then using Fubini, we write for the last display
This proves the lemma.
The following lemma will be used to define \(M\) in the proof of Proposition 2.0.6.
For each \(r {\gt} 0\), there exists a countable collection \(C(r) \subset X\) of points such that
It clearly suffices to construct finite collections \(C(r,k)\) such that
since then the collection \(C(r) = \bigcup _{k \in \mathbb {N}} C(r,k)\) has the desired property.
Suppose that \(Y \subset B(o, r2^k)\) is a collection of points such that for all \(y, y' \in Y\) with \(y \ne y'\), we have \(\rho (y,y') \ge r\). Then the balls \(B(y, r/2)\) are pairwise disjoint and contained in \(B(o, r2^{k+1})\). If \(y \in B(o, r)\), then \(B(o, r2^{k+1}) \subset B(y, r2^{k+2})\). Thus, by the doubling property 1.0.5,
Thus, we have
We conclude that \(|Y| \le 2^{(k+2)a}\). In particular, there exists a set \(Y\) of maximal cardinality. Define \(C(r,k)\) to be such a set.
If \(x \in B(o, r2^k)\) and \(x \notin C(r,k)\), then there must exist \(y \in C(r,k)\) with \(\rho (x,y) {\lt} r\). Thus \(C(r,k)\) has the desired property.
We turn to the proof of Proposition 2.0.6.
Let the collection \(\mathcal{B}\) be given. We first show 2.0.43.
We recursively choose a finite sequence \(B_i\in \mathcal{B}\) for \(i\ge 0\) as follows. Assume \(B_{i'}\) is already chosen for \(0\le i'{\lt}i\). If there exists a ball \(B_{i}\in \mathcal{B}\) so that \(B_{i}\) is disjoint from all \(B_{i'}\) with \(0\le i'{\lt}i\), then choose such a ball \(B_i=B(x_i,r_i)\) with maximal \(r_i\).
If there is no such ball, stop the selection and set \(i'':=i\).
By disjointedness of the chosen balls and since \(0 \le u\), we have
By 2.0.42, we conclude
Let \(x\in \bigcup \mathcal{B}\). Choose a ball \(B'=B(x',r')\in \mathcal{B}\) such that \(x\in B'\). If \(B'\) is one of the selected balls, then
If \(B'\) is not one of the selected balls, then as it is not selected at time \(i''\), there is a selected ball \(B_i\) with \(B'\cap B_i\neq \emptyset \). Choose such \(B_i\) with minimal index \(i\). As \(B'\) is therefore disjoint from all balls \(B_{i'}\) with \(i'{\lt}i\) and as it was not selected in place of \(B_i\), we have \(r_i\ge r'\).
Using a point \(y\) in the intersection of \(B_i\) and \(B'\), we conclude by the triangle inequality
By the triangle inequality again, we further conclude
It follows that
With 9.0.7 and 9.0.10, we conclude
With the doubling property 1.0.5 applied twice, we conclude
With 9.0.6 and 9.0.12 we conclude 2.0.43.
We turn to the proof of 2.0.44. We first consider the case \(p_1=1\) and recall \(M_{\mathcal{B}}=M_{\mathcal{B},1}\). We write for the \(p_2\)-th power of left-hand side of 2.0.44 with Lemma 9.0.1 and a change of variables
Fix \(\lambda \ge 0\) and let \(x\in X\) satisfy \(M_{\mathcal{B}}u(x)\ge 2\lambda \). By definition of \(M_{\mathcal{B}}\), there is a ball \(B'\in \mathcal{B}\) such that \(x\in B'\) and
Define \(u_\lambda (y):=0\) if \(|u(y)|{\lt}\lambda \) and \(u_\lambda (y):=u(y)\) if \(|u(y)|\ge \lambda \). Then with 9.0.15
As \((u-u_\lambda )(y)\le \lambda \) by definition, we can estimate the last display by
Hence \(x\) is contained in \(\bigcup (\mathcal{B}_\lambda )\), where \(\mathcal{B}_\lambda \) is the collection of balls \(B''\) in \(\mathcal{B}\) such that
We have thus seen
Applying 2.0.43 to the collection \(\mathcal{B}_\lambda \) gives
With Lemma 9.0.1,
By definition of \(u_\lambda \), making a case distinction between \(\lambda \ge \lambda '\) and \(\lambda {\lt}\lambda '\), we see that
We obtain with 9.0.14, 9.0.22, and 9.0.23
We split the integral into \(\lambda \ge \lambda '\) and \(\lambda {\lt}\lambda '\) and resolve the maximum correspondingly. We have for \(\lambda \ge \lambda '\) with Lemma 9.0.1
We have for \(\lambda {\lt} \lambda '\) with Fubini and Lemma 9.0.1
Adding the two estimates 9.0.28 and 9.0.32 gives
With \(a\ge 1\) and \(p_2{\gt}1\), taking the \(p_2\)-th root, we obtain 2.0.44. We turn to the case of general \(1\le p_1{\lt}p_2\). We have
Applying the special case of 2.0.44 for \(M_{\mathcal{B}}\) gives
This proves 2.0.44 in general.
Now we construct the operator \(M\) satisfying 2.0.45 and 2.0.46. For each \(k \in \mathbb {Z}\) we choose a countable set \(C(2^k)\) as in Lemma 9.0.2. Define
By Lemma 9.0.2, this is a countable collection of balls. We choose an enumeration \(\mathcal{B}_\infty = \{ B_1, \dotsc \} \) and define
We define
This function is measurable for each measurable \(w\), since it is a countable supremum of measurable functions. Estimate 2.0.46 follows immediately from 2.0.44 and the monotone convergence theorem.
It remains to show 2.0.45. Let \(B = B(x, r) \subset X\). Let \(k\) be the smallest integer such that \(2^k \ge r\), in particular we have \(2^k {\lt} 2r\). By definition of \(C(2^k)\), there exists \(c \in C(2^k)\) with \(x \in B(c, 2^k)\). By the triangle inequality, we have \(B(c, 2^k) \subset B(x, 4r)\), and hence by the doubling property 1.0.5
It follows that for each \(z \in B(x,r)\)
This completes the proof.