8 Proof of the Hölder cancellative condition
We need the following auxiliary lemma. Recall that \(\tau = 1/a\).
Let \(z\in X\) and \(R{\gt}0\). Let \(\varphi : X \to \mathbb {C}\) be a function supported in the ball \(B:=B(z,R)\) with finite norm \(\| \varphi \| _{C^\tau (B)}\). Let \(0{\lt}t \leq 1\). There exists a function \(\tilde\varphi : X \to \mathbb {C}\), supported in \(B(z,2R)\), such that for every \(x\in X\)
Define for \(x,y\in X\) the Lipschitz and thus measurable function
We have that \(L(x,y)\neq 0\) implies
We have for \(y\in B(x, 2^{-1}tR)\) that
Let \(n\) be the smallest integer so that
Iterating \(n+2\) times the doubling condition 1.0.5, we obtain
Now define
Using that \(\varphi \) is supported in \(B(z,R)\) and 8.0.4, we have that \(\tilde{\varphi }\) is supported in \(B(z,2R)\).
We prove 8.0.1. For any \(x\in X\), using that \(L\) is nonnegative,
Using 8.0.4, we estimate the last display by
Using the definition of \(\| \varphi \| _{C^\tau (B)}\), we estimate the last display further by
Using the condition on the domain of integration to estimate \(\rho (x,y)\) by \(tR\) and then expanding the domain by positivity of the integrand, we estimate this further by
Dividing the string of inequalities from 8.0.9 to 8.0.13 by the positive integral of \(L\) proves 8.0.1.
We turn to 8.0.2. For every \(x\in X\), we have
As \(\varphi \) is supported on \(B\), dividing by the integral of \(L\), we obtain
If \(\rho (x,x')\ge R\), then we have by the triangle inequality
Now assume \(\rho (x,x'){\lt} R\). For \(y\in X\) we have by the triangle inequality and a two fold case distinction for the maximum in the definition of \(L\),
We compute with 8.0.18, first adding and subtracting a term in the integral,
Grouping the second and third and the first and fourth term, we obtain using the definition of \(\tilde\varphi \) and Fubini,
where in the last inequality we have used 8.0.16. Using further 8.0.18 and the support of \(L\), we estimate the last display by
Using \(\rho (x,x'){\lt}R\) and the triangle inequality, we estimate the last display by
Dividing by the integral over \(L\) and using 8.0.8 and 8.0.7, we obtain
Combining 8.0.17 and 8.0.26 using \(a\ge 4\) and \(t\le 1\) and adding 8.0.16 proves 8.0.2 and completes the proof of Lemma 8.0.1.
We turn to the proof of Proposition 2.0.5.
Let \(z\in X\) and \(R{\gt}0\) and set \(B=B(z,R)\). Let \(\varphi \) be given as in Proposition 2.0.5. Set
and define \(\tilde{\varphi }\) as in Lemma 8.0.1. Let \({\vartheta }\) and \({\theta }\) be in \({\Theta }\). Then
Using the cancellative condition 1.0.12 of \({\Theta }\) on the ball \(B(z,2R)\), the term 8.0.29 is bounded above by
Using the doubling condition 1.0.5, the inequality 8.0.2, and the estimate \(d_B\le d_{B(z,2R)}\) from the definition, we estimate 8.0.31 from above by
The term 8.0.30 we estimate using 8.0.1 and that \({\vartheta }\) and \({\theta }\) are real and thus \(e({\vartheta })\) and \(e({\theta })\) bounded in absolute value by \(1\). We obtain for 8.0.30 with 1.0.5 the upper bound
Using the definition 8.0.27 of \(t\) and adding 8.0.32 and 8.0.33 estimates 8.0.28 from above by
where we used \(\tau \le 1\). This completes the proof of Proposition 2.0.5.