e-mail: vdoorn@math.uni-bonn.de
office: Endenicher Allee 62 (the building next to the Math department), room 1.002
For the current courses I’m teaching, see the group page. See also Past Teaching below.
For the seminar schedule, see the group page.
I am a professor at the mathematical institute of the university of Bonn and leading the Formalized Mathematics workgroup. My interest is to make it viable to formalize research mathematics in proof assistants that can check the correctness of such proofs for you. Currently, it still takes a lot of work to write the proof down in great details.
I am mainly working using the Lean Theorem Prover, and I am a maintainer of its mathematical library. Projects that I’ve done include:
To learn Lean, try out the Natural Number Game or read the online book Mathematics in Lean. There are also other ways of learning Lean.
I am interested in formalized mathematics, tools and automation for formalization and (homotopy) type theory. I also enjoy thinking about combinatorial problems, solving puzzles and playing board games and video games.
See also my full CV (pdf).
Talks corresponding to one of my papers are listed under Publications.