

This should roughly contain the contents of chapter 8.

def cutoff {X : Type u_1} [MetricSpace X] (R : ) (t : ) (x : X) (y : X) :

L R t x y is L(x, y) in the proof of Lemma 8.0.1.

Instances For
    def C8_0_1 (a : ) (t : NNReal) :

    The constant occurring in Lemma 8.0.1.

    Instances For
      def holderApprox {X : Type u_1} {a : } {q : } {K : XX} {σ₁ : X} {σ₂ : X} {F : Set X} {G : Set X} [MetricSpace X] [ProofData a q K σ₁ σ₂ F G] (R : ) (t : ) (ϕ : X) (x : X) :

      ϕ ↦ \tilde{ϕ} in the proof of Lemma 8.0.1.

      Instances For
        theorem support_holderApprox_subset {X : Type u_1} {a : } {q : } {K : XX} {σ₁ : X} {σ₂ : X} {F : Set X} {G : Set X} [MetricSpace X] [ProofData a q K σ₁ σ₂ F G] [TileStructure Q (defaultD a) (defaultκ a) (defaultS X) (cancelPt X)] {z : X} {R : } {t : } (hR : 0 < R) {C : NNReal} (ϕ : X) (hϕ : ϕ Metric.ball z R) (h2ϕ : HolderWith C (nnτ X) ϕ) (ht : t Set.Ioc 0 1) :

        Part of Lemma 8.0.1.

        theorem dist_holderApprox_le {X : Type u_1} {a : } {q : } {K : XX} {σ₁ : X} {σ₂ : X} {F : Set X} {G : Set X} [MetricSpace X] [ProofData a q K σ₁ σ₂ F G] [TileStructure Q (defaultD a) (defaultκ a) (defaultS X) (cancelPt X)] {z : X} {R : } {t : } (hR : 0 < R) {C : NNReal} (ϕ : X) (hϕ : ϕ Metric.ball z R) (h2ϕ : HolderWith C (nnτ X) ϕ) (ht : t Set.Ioc 0 1) (x : X) :
        dist (ϕ x) (holderApprox R t ϕ x) t ^ defaultτ a * C

        Part of Lemma 8.0.1.

        theorem lipschitzWith_holderApprox {X : Type u_1} {a : } {q : } {K : XX} {σ₁ : X} {σ₂ : X} {F : Set X} {G : Set X} [MetricSpace X] [ProofData a q K σ₁ σ₂ F G] [TileStructure Q (defaultD a) (defaultκ a) (defaultS X) (cancelPt X)] {z : X} {R : } {t : } (hR : 0 < R) {C : NNReal} (ϕ : X) (hϕ : ϕ Metric.ball z R) (h2ϕ : HolderWith C (nnτ X) ϕ) (ht : t Set.Ioc 0 1) :
        LipschitzWith (C8_0_1 a t, ) (holderApprox R t ϕ)

        Part of Lemma 8.0.1.

        def C2_0_5 (a : ) :

        The constant occurring in Proposition 2.0.5.

        Instances For
          theorem holder_van_der_corput {X : Type u_1} {a : } {q : } {K : XX} {σ₁ : X} {σ₂ : X} {F : Set X} {G : Set X} [MetricSpace X] [ProofData a q K σ₁ σ₂ F G] [TileStructure Q (defaultD a) (defaultκ a) (defaultS X) (cancelPt X)] {z : X} {R : NNReal} (hR : 0 < R) {ϕ : X} (hϕ : ϕ Metric.ball z R) (h2ϕ : hnorm ϕ z R < ) {f : Θ X} {g : Θ X} :
          ∫ (x : X), Complex.exp (Complex.I * ((f x) - (g x))) * ϕ x‖₊ (C2_0_5 a) * MeasureTheory.volume (Metric.ball z R) * hnorm ϕ z R * (1 + (nndist f g)) ^ (2 * a ^ 2 + a ^ 3)⁻¹

          Proposition 2.0.5.