Stripping function for terms and contexts.
Stripping doesn't not mess with lift or subst .
Lemma strip_lift : forall M n m, strip (M ↑ n # m) = ((strip M) ↑ n # m)%UT.1 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 11)
forall (M : Term) (n m : nat), strip M ↑ n # m = ((strip M) ↑ n # m)%UT
(dependent evars:)
induction M; intros; simpl in *.5 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 59)
v : Vars
n : nat
m : nat
strip (if le_gt_dec m v then #(n + v) else #v) =
(if le_gt_dec m v then #(n + v)%UT else #v%UT)
subgoal 2 (ID 63) is:
!s%UT = !s%UT
subgoal 3 (ID 74) is:
strip M1 ↑ n # m · strip M4 ↑ n # m =
((strip M1) ↑ n # m)%UT · ((strip M4) ↑ n # m)%UT
subgoal 4 (ID 81) is:
(Π (strip (M1 ↑ n # m)%Typ), strip (M2 ↑ n # (S m))%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) ↑ n # m), (strip M2) ↑ n # (S m))%UT
subgoal 5 (ID 88) is:
(λ [strip (M1 ↑ n # m)%Typ], strip (M2 ↑ n # (S m))%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) ↑ n # m], (strip M2) ↑ n # (S m))%UT
(dependent evars:)
destruct le_gt_dec; simpl; trivial.4 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 63)
s : Sorts
n : nat
m : nat
!s%UT = !s%UT
subgoal 2 (ID 74) is:
strip M1 ↑ n # m · strip M4 ↑ n # m =
((strip M1) ↑ n # m)%UT · ((strip M4) ↑ n # m)%UT
subgoal 3 (ID 81) is:
(Π (strip (M1 ↑ n # m)%Typ), strip (M2 ↑ n # (S m))%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) ↑ n # m), (strip M2) ↑ n # (S m))%UT
subgoal 4 (ID 88) is:
(λ [strip (M1 ↑ n # m)%Typ], strip (M2 ↑ n # (S m))%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) ↑ n # m], (strip M2) ↑ n # (S m))%UT
(dependent evars:)
trivial.3 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 74)
M1 : Term
M2 : Term
M3 : Term
M4 : Term
IHM1 : forall n m : nat, strip M1 ↑ n # m = ((strip M1) ↑ n # m)%UT
IHM2 : forall n m : nat, strip M2 ↑ n # m = ((strip M2) ↑ n # m)%UT
IHM3 : forall n m : nat, strip M3 ↑ n # m = ((strip M3) ↑ n # m)%UT
IHM4 : forall n m : nat, strip M4 ↑ n # m = ((strip M4) ↑ n # m)%UT
n : nat
m : nat
strip M1 ↑ n # m · strip M4 ↑ n # m =
((strip M1) ↑ n # m)%UT · ((strip M4) ↑ n # m)%UT
subgoal 2 (ID 81) is:
(Π (strip (M1 ↑ n # m)%Typ), strip (M2 ↑ n # (S m))%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) ↑ n # m), (strip M2) ↑ n # (S m))%UT
subgoal 3 (ID 88) is:
(λ [strip (M1 ↑ n # m)%Typ], strip (M2 ↑ n # (S m))%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) ↑ n # m], (strip M2) ↑ n # (S m))%UT
(dependent evars:)
rewrite IHM1, IHM4; trivial.2 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 81)
M1 : Term
M2 : Term
IHM1 : forall n m : nat, strip M1 ↑ n # m = ((strip M1) ↑ n # m)%UT
IHM2 : forall n m : nat, strip M2 ↑ n # m = ((strip M2) ↑ n # m)%UT
n : nat
m : nat
(Π (strip (M1 ↑ n # m)%Typ), strip (M2 ↑ n # (S m))%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) ↑ n # m), (strip M2) ↑ n # (S m))%UT
subgoal 2 (ID 88) is:
(λ [strip (M1 ↑ n # m)%Typ], strip (M2 ↑ n # (S m))%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) ↑ n # m], (strip M2) ↑ n # (S m))%UT
(dependent evars:)
rewrite IHM1, IHM2; trivial.1 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 88)
M1 : Term
M2 : Term
IHM1 : forall n m : nat, strip M1 ↑ n # m = ((strip M1) ↑ n # m)%UT
IHM2 : forall n m : nat, strip M2 ↑ n # m = ((strip M2) ↑ n # m)%UT
n : nat
m : nat
(λ [strip (M1 ↑ n # m)%Typ], strip (M2 ↑ n # (S m))%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) ↑ n # m], (strip M2) ↑ n # (S m))%UT
(dependent evars:)
rewrite IHM1, IHM2; trivial.No more subgoals.
(dependent evars:)
Lemma strip_subst : forall M n N, strip (M [n ← N]) = ((strip M) [ n ← strip N])%UT.1 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 115)
forall (M : Term) (n : nat) (N : Term),
strip M [n ← N] = ((strip M) [n ← strip N])%UT
(dependent evars:)
induction M; intros; simpl in *.5 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 163)
v : Vars
n : nat
N : Term
match lt_eq_lt_dec v n with
| inleft (left _) => #v
| inleft (right _) => N ↑ n
| inright _ => #(v - 1)
end =
match lt_eq_lt_dec v n with
| inleft (left _) => #v%UT
| inleft (right _) => ((strip N) ↑ n)%UT
| inright _ => #(v - 1)%UT
subgoal 2 (ID 167) is:
!s%UT = !s%UT
subgoal 3 (ID 178) is:
strip M1 [n ← N] · strip M4 [n ← N] =
((strip M1) [n ← strip N])%UT · ((strip M4) [n ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 4 (ID 185) is:
(Π (strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ), strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) [n ← strip N]), (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 5 (ID 192) is:
(λ [strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ], strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) [n ← strip N]], (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
(dependent evars:)
destruct lt_eq_lt_dec as [ [] | ]; simpl; trivial.5 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 210)
v : Vars
n : nat
N : Term
e : v = n
strip N ↑ n = ((strip N) ↑ n)%UT
subgoal 2 (ID 167) is:
!s%UT = !s%UT
subgoal 3 (ID 178) is:
strip M1 [n ← N] · strip M4 [n ← N] =
((strip M1) [n ← strip N])%UT · ((strip M4) [n ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 4 (ID 185) is:
(Π (strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ), strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) [n ← strip N]), (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 5 (ID 192) is:
(λ [strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ], strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) [n ← strip N]], (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
(dependent evars:)
rewrite strip_lift. 5 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 212)
v : Vars
n : nat
N : Term
e : v = n
((strip N) ↑ n)%UT = ((strip N) ↑ n)%UT
subgoal 2 (ID 167) is:
!s%UT = !s%UT
subgoal 3 (ID 178) is:
strip M1 [n ← N] · strip M4 [n ← N] =
((strip M1) [n ← strip N])%UT · ((strip M4) [n ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 4 (ID 185) is:
(Π (strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ), strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) [n ← strip N]), (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 5 (ID 192) is:
(λ [strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ], strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) [n ← strip N]], (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
(dependent evars:)
trivial.4 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 167)
s : Sorts
n : nat
N : Term
!s%UT = !s%UT
subgoal 2 (ID 178) is:
strip M1 [n ← N] · strip M4 [n ← N] =
((strip M1) [n ← strip N])%UT · ((strip M4) [n ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 3 (ID 185) is:
(Π (strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ), strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) [n ← strip N]), (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 4 (ID 192) is:
(λ [strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ], strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) [n ← strip N]], (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
(dependent evars:)
trivial.3 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 178)
M1 : Term
M2 : Term
M3 : Term
M4 : Term
IHM1 : forall (n : nat) (N : Term),
strip M1 [n ← N] = ((strip M1) [n ← strip N])%UT
IHM2 : forall (n : nat) (N : Term),
strip M2 [n ← N] = ((strip M2) [n ← strip N])%UT
IHM3 : forall (n : nat) (N : Term),
strip M3 [n ← N] = ((strip M3) [n ← strip N])%UT
IHM4 : forall (n : nat) (N : Term),
strip M4 [n ← N] = ((strip M4) [n ← strip N])%UT
n : nat
N : Term
strip M1 [n ← N] · strip M4 [n ← N] =
((strip M1) [n ← strip N])%UT · ((strip M4) [n ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 2 (ID 185) is:
(Π (strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ), strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) [n ← strip N]), (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 3 (ID 192) is:
(λ [strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ], strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) [n ← strip N]], (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
(dependent evars:)
rewrite IHM1, IHM4; trivial.2 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 185)
M1 : Term
M2 : Term
IHM1 : forall (n : nat) (N : Term),
strip M1 [n ← N] = ((strip M1) [n ← strip N])%UT
IHM2 : forall (n : nat) (N : Term),
strip M2 [n ← N] = ((strip M2) [n ← strip N])%UT
n : nat
N : Term
(Π (strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ), strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(Π ((strip M1) [n ← strip N]), (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
subgoal 2 (ID 192) is:
(λ [strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ], strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) [n ← strip N]], (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
(dependent evars:)
rewrite IHM1, IHM2; trivial.1 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 192)
M1 : Term
M2 : Term
IHM1 : forall (n : nat) (N : Term),
strip M1 [n ← N] = ((strip M1) [n ← strip N])%UT
IHM2 : forall (n : nat) (N : Term),
strip M2 [n ← N] = ((strip M2) [n ← strip N])%UT
n : nat
N : Term
(λ [strip (M1 [n ← N])%Typ], strip (M2 [(S n) ← N])%Typ)%UT =
(λ [(strip M1) [n ← strip N]], (strip M2) [(S n) ← strip N])%UT
(dependent evars:)
rewrite IHM1, IHM2; trivial.No more subgoals.
(dependent evars:)
End strip_mod.Module strip_mod is defined