Basic properties of lists #
There is only one list of an empty type
- List.uniqueOfIsEmpty = { toInhabited := instInhabitedList, uniq := ⋯ }
mem #
length #
Alias of the reverse direction of List.length_pos
set-theoretic notation of lists #
- List.instSingletonList = { singleton := fun (x : α) => [x] }
- List.instInsertOfDecidableEq_mathlib = { insert := List.insert }
bounded quantifiers over lists #
list subset #
append #
replicate #
pure #
bind #
Alias of List.bind_eq_flatMap
concat #
reverse #
getLast #
getLast? #
Alias of List.getLast?_eq_none_iff
Alias of List.getLast?_eq_none_iff
Alias of List.getLast?_eq_none_iff
head(!?) and tail #
Induction from the right #
Induction principle from the right for lists: if a property holds for the empty list, and
for l ++ [a]
if it holds for l
, then it holds for all lists. The principle is given for
a Sort
-valued predicate, i.e., it can also be used to construct data.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Bidirectional induction principle for lists: if a property holds for the empty list, the
singleton list, and a :: (l ++ [b])
from l
, then it holds for all lists. This can be used to
prove statements about palindromes. The principle is given for a Sort
-valued predicate, i.e., it
can also be used to construct data.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- List.bidirectionalRec nil singleton cons_append [] = nil
- List.bidirectionalRec nil singleton cons_append [a] = singleton a
Instances For
Like bidirectionalRec
, but with the list parameter placed first.
- l.bidirectionalRecOn H0 H1 Hn = List.bidirectionalRec H0 H1 Hn l
Instances For
sublists #
Alias of List.cons_sublist_cons
Alias of List.sublist_nil
indexOf #
nth element #
Alias of List.get?_inj
Alias of List.modifyTailIdx_modifyTailIdx_le
Alias of List.modifyTailIdx_modifyTailIdx_self
Alias of List.eraseIdx_eq_modifyTailIdx
Alias of List.modify_eq_set
map #
Alias of List.flatMap_pure_eq_map
Alias of List.flatMap_congr
Alias of List.infix_flatMap_of_mem
A single
of a composition of functions is equal to
composing a
with another
, fully applied.
This is the reverse direction of List.map_map
zipWith #
take, drop #
foldl, foldr #
Consider two lists l₁
and l₂
with designated elements a₁
and a₂
somewhere in them:
l₁ = x₁ ++ [a₁] ++ z₁
and l₂ = x₂ ++ [a₂] ++ z₂
Assume the designated element a₂
is present in neither x₁
nor z₁
We conclude that the lists are equal (l₁ = l₂
) if and only if their respective parts are equal
(x₁ = x₂ ∧ a₁ = a₂ ∧ z₁ = z₂
foldlM, foldrM, mapM #
intersperse #
splitAt and splitOn #
Alias of List.splitAt_eq
The original list L
can be recovered by flattening the lists produced by splitOnP p L
interspersed with the elements L.filter p
intercalate [x]
is the left inverse of splitOn x
splitOn x
is the left inverse of intercalate [x]
, on the domain
consisting of each nonempty list of lists ls
whose elements do not contain x
modifyLast #
map for partial functions #
Alias of List.attach_map_coe
Alias of List.attach_map_val
find #
Alias of List.mem_of_find?_eq_some
lookmap #
filter #
filterMap #
Alias of List.filterMap_eq_flatMap_toList
filter #
erasep #
erase #
diff #
map₂Left' #
map₂Right' #
zipLeft' #
zipRight' #
map₂Left #
map₂Right #
zipLeft #
zipRight #
Forall #
- List.instDecidablePredForall p x✝ = decidable_of_iff' (∀ (x : α), x ∈ x✝ → p x) ⋯
Miscellaneous lemmas #
The images of disjoint lists under a partially defined map are disjoint
The images of disjoint lists under an injective map are disjoint
Alias of List.disjoint_map
The images of disjoint lists under an injective map are disjoint