

Identifier that is sent from the server to the client as part of the field. Needed to resolve the CompletionItem when the client sends a completionItem/resolve request for that item, again containing the data? field provided by the server.

Instances For

CompletionItemData that contains additional information to identify the item in order to resolve it.

Instances For

Fills the CompletionItem.detail? field of item using the pretty-printed type identified by id.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
def Lean.Server.Completion.resolveCompletionItem? (fileMap : FileMap) (hoverPos : String.Pos) (cmdStx : Syntax) (infoTree : Elab.InfoTree) (item : Lsp.CompletionItem) (id : Lsp.CompletionIdentifier) (completionInfoPos : Nat) :

Fills the CompletionItem.detail? field of item using the pretty-printed type identified by id in the context found at hoverPos in infoTree.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.