

Relation of smoothness and Ω[S⁄R] #

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theorem derivationOfSectionOfKerSqZero_apply_coe {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra R S] (f : P →ₐ[R] S) (hf' : RingHom.ker f ^ 2 = ) (g : S →ₐ[R] P) (hg : f.comp g = R S) (x : P) :
((derivationOfSectionOfKerSqZero f hf' g hg) x) = x - g (f x)
def derivationOfSectionOfKerSqZero {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra R S] (f : P →ₐ[R] S) (hf' : RingHom.ker f ^ 2 = ) (g : S →ₐ[R] P) (hg : f.comp g = R S) :

Given a surjective algebra homomorphism f : P →ₐ[R] S with square-zero kernel I, and a section g : S →ₐ[R] P (as an algebra homomorphism), we get an R-derivation P → I via x ↦ x - g (f x).

  • derivationOfSectionOfKerSqZero f hf' g hg = { toFun := fun (x : P) => x - g (f x), , map_add' := , map_smul' := , map_one_eq_zero' := , leibniz' := }
Instances For
    theorem isScalarTower_of_section_of_ker_sqZero {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (g : S →ₐ[R] P) (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (hg : (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S).comp g = R S) :
    noncomputable def retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (g : S →ₐ[R] P) (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (hg : (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S).comp g = R S) :

    Given a surjective algebra hom f : P →ₐ[R] S with square-zero kernel I, and a section g : S →ₐ[R] P (as algebra homs), we get a retraction of the injection I → S ⊗[P] Ω[P/R].

    Instances For
      theorem retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero_tmul_D {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (g : S →ₐ[R] P) (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (hg : (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S).comp g = R S) (s : S) (t : P) :
      ((retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero g hf' hg) (s ⊗ₜ[P] (KaehlerDifferential.D R P) t)) = g s * t - g s * g ((algebraMap P S) t)
      theorem retractionOfSectionOfKerSqZero_comp_kerToTensor {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (g : S →ₐ[R] P) (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (hg : (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S).comp g = R S) :
      theorem sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_prop {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] (l : TensorProduct P S (Ω[PR]) →ₗ[P] (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S))) (hl : l ∘ₗ KaehlerDifferential.kerToTensor R P S = (x : P) (y : P) (h : (algebraMap P S) x = (algebraMap P S) y) :
      x - (l (1 ⊗ₜ[P] (KaehlerDifferential.D R P) x)) = y - (l (1 ⊗ₜ[P] (KaehlerDifferential.D R P) y))
      noncomputable def sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] (l : TensorProduct P S (Ω[PR]) →ₗ[P] (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S))) (hl : l ∘ₗ KaehlerDifferential.kerToTensor R P S = (σ : SP) (hσ : ∀ (x : S), (algebraMap P S) (σ x) = x) [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) :

      Given a surjective algebra homomorphism f : P →ₐ[R] S with square-zero kernel I. Let σ be an arbitrary (set-theoretic) section of f. Suppose we have a retraction l of the injection I →ₗ[P] S ⊗[P] Ω[P/R], then x ↦ σ x - l (1 ⊗ D (σ x)) is an algebra homomorphism and a section to f.

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      Instances For
        theorem sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux_algebraMap {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] (l : TensorProduct P S (Ω[PR]) →ₗ[P] (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S))) (hl : l ∘ₗ KaehlerDifferential.kerToTensor R P S = (σ : SP) (hσ : ∀ (x : S), (algebraMap P S) (σ x) = x) [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (x : P) :
        (sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux l hl σ hf') ((algebraMap P S) x) = x - (l (1 ⊗ₜ[P] (KaehlerDifferential.D R P) x))
        theorem toAlgHom_comp_sectionOfRetractionKerToTensorAux {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] (l : TensorProduct P S (Ω[PR]) →ₗ[P] (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S))) (hl : l ∘ₗ KaehlerDifferential.kerToTensor R P S = (σ : SP) (hσ : ∀ (x : S), (algebraMap P S) (σ x) = x) [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (hf : Function.Surjective (algebraMap P S)) :
        noncomputable def sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] (l : TensorProduct P S (Ω[PR]) →ₗ[P] (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S))) (hl : l ∘ₗ KaehlerDifferential.kerToTensor R P S = [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (hf : Function.Surjective (algebraMap P S)) :

        Given a surjective algebra homomorphism f : P →ₐ[R] S with square-zero kernel I. Suppose we have a retraction l of the injection I →ₗ[P] S ⊗[P] Ω[P/R], then x ↦ σ x - l (1 ⊗ D (σ x)) is an algebra homomorphism and a section to f, where σ is an arbitrary (set-theoretic) section of f

        Instances For
          theorem sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor_algebraMap {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] (l : TensorProduct P S (Ω[PR]) →ₗ[P] (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S))) (hl : l ∘ₗ KaehlerDifferential.kerToTensor R P S = [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (hf : Function.Surjective (algebraMap P S)) (x : P) :
          (sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor l hl hf' hf) ((algebraMap P S) x) = x - (l (1 ⊗ₜ[P] (KaehlerDifferential.D R P) x))
          theorem toAlgHom_comp_sectionOfRetractionKerToTensor {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] (l : TensorProduct P S (Ω[PR]) →ₗ[P] (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S))) (hl : l ∘ₗ KaehlerDifferential.kerToTensor R P S = [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (hf : Function.Surjective (algebraMap P S)) :
          noncomputable def retractionKerToTensorEquivSection {R : Type u} {P : Type u} {S : Type u} [CommRing R] [CommRing P] [CommRing S] [Algebra R P] [Algebra P S] [Algebra R S] [IsScalarTower R P S] (hf' : RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S) ^ 2 = ) (hf : Function.Surjective (algebraMap P S)) :
          { l : TensorProduct P S (Ω[PR]) →ₗ[P] (RingHom.ker (algebraMap P S)) // l ∘ₗ KaehlerDifferential.kerToTensor R P S = } { g : S →ₐ[R] P // (IsScalarTower.toAlgHom R P S).comp g = R S }

          Given a surjective algebra homomorphism f : P →ₐ[R] S with square-zero kernel I, there is a one-to-one correspondence between P-linear retractions of I →ₗ[P] S ⊗[P] Ω[P/R] and algebra homomorphism sections of f.

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          Instances For