Fundamental Cone #
Let K
be a number field of signature (rβ, rβ)
. We define an action of the units (π K)Λ£
the mixed space β^rβ Γ β^rβ
via the mixedEmbedding
. The fundamental cone is a cone in the
mixed space that is a fundamental domain for the action of (π K)Λ£
modulo torsion.
Main definitions and results #
: the action of(π K)Λ£
on the mixed space defined, foru : (π K)Λ£
, by multiplication component by component withmixedEmbedding K u
: a cone in the mixed space, ie. a subset stable by multiplication by a nonzero real number, seesmul_mem_of_mem
, that is also a fundamental domain for the action of(π K)Λ£
modulo torsion, seeexists_unit_smul_mem
: the subset of elements of the fundamental cone that are images of algebraic integers ofK
: the equivalence betweenfundamentalCone.integralPoint K
and the principal nonzero ideals ofπ K
times the torsion ofK
: the number of principal nonzero ideals inπ K
of normn
multiplied by the order of the torsion ofK
is equal to the number offundamentalCone.integralPoint K
of normn
Tags #
number field, canonical embedding, units, principal ideals
The action of (π K)Λ£
on the mixed space β^rβ Γ β^rβ
defined, for u : (π K)Λ£
, by
multiplication component by component with mixedEmbedding K u
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The map from the mixed space to {w : InfinitePlace K // w β wβ} β β
(with wβ
the fixed
place from the proof of Dirichlet Unit Theorem) defined in such way that: 1) it factors the map
, see logMap_eq_logEmbedding
; 2) it is constant on the sets
{c β’ x | c β β, c β 0}
if norm x β 0
, see logMap_real_smul
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Instances For
The fundamental cone is a cone in the mixed space, ie. a subset fixed by multiplication by
a nonzero real number, see smul_mem_of_mem
, that is also a fundamental domain for the action
of (π K)Λ£
modulo torsion, see exists_unit_smul_mem
and torsion_smul_mem_of_mem
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Instances For
The set of images by mixedEmbedding
of algebraic integers of K
contained in the
fundamental cone.
Instances For
If a
is an integral point, then there is a unique algebraic integer in π K
that mixedEmbedding K x = a
For a : fundamentalCone K
, the unique nonzero algebraic integer x
such that its image by
is equal to a
. Note that we state the fact that x β 0
by saying that x
a nonzero divisors since we will use later on the isomorphism
, see integralPointEquiv
- NumberField.mixedEmbedding.fundamentalCone.preimageOfIntegralPoint a = β¨β―.choose, β―β©
Instances For
If x : mixedSpace K
is nonzero and the image of an algebraic integer, then there exists a
unit such that u β’ x β integralPoint K
The set integralPoint K
is stable under the action of the torsion.
The action of torsion K
on integralPoint K
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- NumberField.mixedEmbedding.fundamentalCone.instMulActionSubtypeUnitsRingOfIntegersMemSubgroupTorsionElemMixedSpaceIntegralPoint = β― β―
The mixedEmbedding.norm
of a : integralPoint K
as a natural number, see also
Instances For
The norm intNorm
lifts to a function on integralPoint K
modulo torsion K
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Instances For
The map that sends an element of a : integralPoint K
to the associates class
of its preimage in (π K)β°
. By quotienting by the kernel of the map, which is equal to the
subgroup of torsion, we get the equivalence integralPointQuotEquivAssociates
Instances For
The equivalence between integralPoint K
modulo torsion K
and Associates (π K)β°
Instances For
The equivalence between integralPoint K
and the product of the set of nonzero principal
ideals of K
and the torsion of K
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Instances For
For an integer n
, The equivalence between the integralPoint K
of norm n
and the product
of the set of nonzero principal ideals of K
of norm n
and the torsion of K
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Instances For
For n
positive, the number of principal ideals in π K
of norm n
multiplied by the order
of the torsion of K
is equal to the number of integralPoint K
of norm n
For s : β
, the number of principal nonzero ideals in π K
of norm β€ s
multiplied by the
order of the torsion of K
is equal to the number of integralPoint K
of norm β€ s