Sylow theorems #
The Sylow theorems are the following results for every finite group G
and every prime number p
- There exists a Sylow
-subgroup ofG
. - All Sylow
-subgroups ofG
are conjugate to each other. - Let
be the number of Sylowp
-subgroups ofG
, thennₚ
divides the index of the Sylowp
-subgroup,nₚ ≡ 1 [MOD p]
, andnₚ
is equal to the index of the normalizer of the Sylowp
-subgroup inG
Main definitions #
Sylow p G
: The type of Sylowp
-subgroups ofG
Main statements #
: A generalization of Sylow's first theorem: For every prime powerpⁿ
dividing the cardinality ofG
, there exists a subgroup ofG
of orderpⁿ
: A generalization of Sylow's first theorem: Everyp
-subgroup is contained in a Sylowp
: The cardinality of a Sylow subgroup isp ^ n
is the multiplicity ofp
in the group order.sylow_conjugate
: A generalization of Sylow's second theorem: If the number of Sylowp
-subgroups is finite, then all Sylowp
-subgroups are conjugate.card_sylow_modEq_one
: A generalization of Sylow's third theorem: If the number of Sylowp
-subgroups is finite, then it is congruent to1
A Sylow p
-subgroup is a maximal p
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
The preimage of a Sylow subgroup under a p-group-kernel homomorphism is a Sylow subgroup.
- P.comapOfKerIsPGroup ϕ hϕ h = { toSubgroup := Subgroup.comap ϕ ↑P, isPGroup' := ⋯, is_maximal' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The preimage of a Sylow subgroup under an injective homomorphism is a Sylow subgroup.
- P.comapOfInjective ϕ hϕ h = P.comapOfKerIsPGroup ϕ ⋯ h
Instances For
- Sylow.inhabited = Classical.inhabited_of_nonempty ⋯
preserves Sylow subgroups.
- Sylow.pointwiseMulAction = ⋯ ⋯
- Sylow.mulAction = MulAction.compHom (Sylow p G) MulAut.conj
A generalization of Sylow's second theorem.
If the number of Sylow p
-subgroups is finite, then all Sylow p
-subgroups are conjugate.
- ⋯ = ⋯
Sylow subgroups are isomorphic
- P.equivSMul g = Subgroup.equivSMul (MulAut.conj g) ↑P
Instances For
Sylow p
-subgroups are in bijection with cosets of the normalizer of a Sylow p
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Frattini's Argument: If N
is a normal subgroup of G
, and if P
is a Sylow p
of N
, then N_G(P) ⊔ N = G
The fixed points of the action of H
on its cosets correspond to normalizer H / H
- Sylow.fixedPointsMulLeftCosetsEquivQuotient H = Equiv.subtypeQuotientEquivQuotientSubtype (↑H.normalizer) (MulAction.fixedPoints (↥H) (G ⧸ H)) ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
If H
is a subgroup of G
of cardinality p ^ n
, then the cardinality of the
normalizer of H
is congruent mod p ^ (n + 1)
to the cardinality of G
If H
is a p
-subgroup but not a Sylow p
-subgroup, then p
divides the
index of H
inside its normalizer.
If H
is a p
-subgroup but not a Sylow p
-subgroup of cardinality p ^ n
then p ^ (n + 1)
divides the cardinality of the normalizer of H
If H
is a subgroup of G
of cardinality p ^ n
then H
is contained in a subgroup of cardinality p ^ (n + 1)
if p ^ (n + 1)
divides the cardinality of G
If H
is a subgroup of G
of cardinality p ^ n
then H
is contained in a subgroup of cardinality p ^ m
if n ≤ m
and p ^ m
divides the cardinality of G
A special case of Sylow's first theorem. If G
is a p
-group and H
a subgroup of size at
least p ^ n
then there is a subgroup of H
of cardinality p ^ n
A special case of Sylow's first theorem. If G
is a p
-group and H
a subgroup of size at
least k
then there is a subgroup of H
of cardinality between k / p
and k
A subgroup with cardinality p ^ n
is a Sylow subgroup
where n
is the multiplicity of p
in the group order.
- Sylow.ofCard H card_eq = { toSubgroup := H, isPGroup' := ⋯, is_maximal' := ⋯ }
Instances For
If G
has a normal Sylow p
-subgroup, then it is the only Sylow p
- P.unique_of_normal h = { toInhabited := Sylow.inhabited, uniq := ⋯ }
Instances For
If all its Sylow subgroups are normal, then a finite group is isomorphic to the direct product of these Sylow subgroups.
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