Separable closure #
This file contains basics about the (relative) separable closure of a field extension.
Main definitions #
: the relative separable closure ofF
, or called maximal separable subextension ofE / F
, is defined to be the intermediate field ofE / F
consisting of all separable elements.SeparableClosure
: the absolute separable closure, defined to be the relative separable closure inside the algebraic closure.Field.sepDegree F E
: the (infinite) separable degree of an algebraic extensionE / F
of fields, defined to be the degree ofseparableClosure F E / F
. Later we will show that (Field.finSepDegree_eq
, not in this file), ifField.Emb F E
is finite, then this coincides withField.finSepDegree F E
.Field.insepDegree F E
: the (infinite) inseparable degree of an algebraic extensionE / F
of fields, defined to be the degree ofE / separableClosure F E
.Field.finInsepDegree F E
: the finite inseparable degree of an algebraic extensionE / F
of fields, defined to be the degree ofE / separableClosure F E
as a natural number. It is zero if such field extension is not finite.
Main results #
: an intermediate field ofE / F
is contained in the separable closure ofF
if and only if it is separable overF
: the normal closure of the separable closure ofF
is equal to itself.separableClosure.isGalois
: the separable closure in a normal extension is Galois (namely, normal and separable).separableClosure.isSepClosure
: the separable closure in a separably closed extension is a separable closure of the base field.IntermediateField.isSeparable_adjoin_iff_isSeparable
:F(S) / F
is a separable extension if and only if all elements ofS
are separable elements.separableClosure.eq_top_iff
: the separable closure ofF
is equal toE
if and only ifE / F
is separable.
Tags #
separable degree, degree, separable closure
The (relative) separable closure of F
in E
, or called maximal separable subextension
of E / F
, is defined to be the intermediate field of E / F
consisting of all separable
elements. The previous results prove that these elements are closed under field operations.
- separableClosure F E = { carrier := {x : E | IsSeparable F x}, mul_mem' := ⋯, one_mem' := ⋯, add_mem' := ⋯, zero_mem' := ⋯, algebraMap_mem' := ⋯, inv_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
An element is contained in the separable closure of F
in E
if and only if
it is a separable element.
If i
is an F
-algebra homomorphism from E
to K
, then i x
is contained in
separableClosure F K
if and only if x
is contained in separableClosure F E
If i
is an F
-algebra homomorphism from E
to K
, then the preimage of
separableClosure F K
under the map i
is equal to separableClosure F E
If i
is an F
-algebra homomorphism from E
to K
, then the image of separableClosure F E
under the map i
is contained in separableClosure F K
If K / E / F
is a field extension tower, such that K / E
has no non-trivial separable
subextensions (when K / E
is algebraic, this means that it is purely inseparable),
then the image of separableClosure F E
in K
is equal to separableClosure F K
If i
is an F
-algebra isomorphism of E
and K
, then the image of separableClosure F E
under the map i
is equal to separableClosure F K
If E
and K
are isomorphic as F
-algebras, then separableClosure F E
separableClosure F K
are also isomorphic as F
Instances For
Alias of separableClosure.algEquivOfAlgEquiv
If E
and K
are isomorphic as F
-algebras, then separableClosure F E
separableClosure F K
are also isomorphic as F
Instances For
The separable closure of F
in E
is algebraic over F
- ⋯ = ⋯
The separable closure of F
in E
is separable over F
- ⋯ = ⋯
An intermediate field of E / F
is contained in the separable closure of F
in E
if all of its elements are separable over F
An intermediate field of E / F
is contained in the separable closure of F
in E
if it is separable over F
An intermediate field of E / F
is contained in the separable closure of F
in E
if and only if it is separable over F
The separable closure in E
of the separable closure of F
in E
is equal to itself.
The normal closure in E/F
of the separable closure of F
in E
is equal to itself.
If E / F
is a field extension and E
is separably closed, then the separable closure
of F
in E
is equal to F
if and only if F
is separably closed.
If E
is separably closed, then the separable closure of F
in E
is an absolute
separable closure of F
- ⋯ = ⋯
The absolute separable closure is defined to be the relative separable closure inside the
algebraic closure. It is indeed a separable closure (IsSepClosure
) by
, and it is Galois (IsGalois
) by separableClosure.isGalois
or IsSepClosure.isGalois
, and every separable extension embeds into it (IsSepClosed.lift
- SeparableClosure F = ↥(separableClosure F (AlgebraicClosure F))
Instances For
F(S) / F
is a separable extension if and only if all elements of S
separable elements.
The separable closure of F
in E
is equal to E
if and only if E / F
If K / E / F
is a field extension tower, then separableClosure F K
is contained in
separableClosure E K
If K / E / F
is a field extension tower, such that E / F
is separable, then
separableClosure F K
is equal to separableClosure E K
If K / E / F
is a field extension tower, then E
adjoin separableClosure F K
is contained
in separableClosure E K
A compositum of two separable extensions is separable.
- ⋯ = ⋯
A compositum of separable extensions is separable.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The (infinite) separable degree for a general field extension E / F
is defined
to be the degree of separableClosure F E / F
- Field.sepDegree F E = Module.rank F ↥(separableClosure F E)
Instances For
The (infinite) inseparable degree for a general field extension E / F
is defined
to be the degree of E / separableClosure F E
- Field.insepDegree F E = Module.rank (↥(separableClosure F E)) E
Instances For
The finite inseparable degree for a general field extension E / F
is defined
to be the degree of E / separableClosure F E
as a natural number. It is defined to be zero
if such field extension is infinite.
- Field.finInsepDegree F E = FiniteDimensional.finrank (↥(separableClosure F E)) E
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
The same-universe version of Field.lift_sepDegree_eq_of_equiv
The separable degree multiplied by the inseparable degree is equal to the (infinite) field extension degree.
The same-universe version of Field.lift_insepDegree_eq_of_equiv
A separable extension has separable degree equal to degree.
A separable extension has inseparable degree one.
A separable extension has finite inseparable degree one.