

The constant sheaf #

We define the constant sheaf functor (the sheafification of the constant presheaf) constantSheaf : D ⥤ Sheaf J D and prove that it is left adjoint to evaluation at a terminal object (see constantSheafAdj).

We also define a predicate on sheaves, Sheaf.IsConstant, saying that a sheaf is in the essential image of the constant sheaf functor.

Main results #

Future work #

The constant presheaf functor is left adjoint to evaluation at a terminal object.

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Instances For

    The functor which maps an object of D to the constant sheaf at that object, i.e. the sheafification of the constant presheaf.

    Instances For

      A sheaf is constant if it is in the essential image of the constant sheaf functor.


        If the constant sheaf functor is fully faithful, then a sheaf is constant if and only if the counit of the constant sheaf adjunction applied to it is an isomorphism.

        The constant sheaf functor commutes up to isomorphism the equivalence of sheaf categories induced by a dense subsite.

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        Instances For

          The constant sheaf functor commutes up to isomorphism the inverse equivalence of sheaf categories induced by a dense subsite.

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          Instances For

            The constant sheaf functor commutes with sheafCompose J U up to isomorphism, provided that U preserves sheafification.

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            Instances For