The shift on a quotient category #
Let C
be a category equipped a shift by a monoid A
. If we have a relation
on morphisms r : HomRel C
that is compatible with the shift (i.e. if two
morphisms f
and g
are related, then f⟦a⟧'
and g⟦a⟧'
are also related
for all a : A
), then the quotient category Quotient r
is equipped with
a shift.
The condition r.IsCompatibleWithShift A
on the relation r
is a class so that
the shift can be automatically inferred on the quotient category.
A relation on morphisms is compatible with the shift by a monoid A
when the
relation if preserved by the shift.
- condition : ∀ (a : A) ⦃X Y : C⦄ (f g : X ⟶ Y), r f g → r ((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctor C a).map f) ((CategoryTheory.shiftFunctor C a).map g)
the condition that the relation is preserved by the shift
the condition that the relation is preserved by the shift
The shift by a monoid A
induced on a quotient category Quotient r
when the
relation r
is compatible with the shift.
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The functor Quotient.functor r : C ⥤ Quotient r
commutes with the shift.
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Auxiliary definition for Quotient.liftCommShift
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
When r : HomRel C
is compatible with the shift by an additive monoid, and
F : C ⥤ D
is a functor which commutes with the shift and is compatible with r
, then
the induced functor Quotient.lift r F _ : Quotient r ⥤ D
also commutes with the shift.
- CategoryTheory.Quotient.liftCommShift F r A hF = { iso := CategoryTheory.Quotient.LiftCommShift.iso F r hF, zero := ⋯, add := ⋯ }
- ⋯ = ⋯