Unitization equipped with the norm #
In another file, the Unitization ๐ A
of a non-unital normed ๐
-algebra A
is equipped with the
norm inherited as the pullback via a map (closely related to) the left-regular representation of the
algebra on itself (see Unitization.instNormedRing
However, this construction is only valid (and an isometry) when A
is a RegularNormedAlgebra
Sometimes it is useful to consider the unitization of a non-unital algebra with the WithLp 1 (Unitization ๐ A)
, along
with the algebra isomomorphism between Unitization ๐ A
and WithLp 1 (Unitization ๐ A)
Note that TrivSqZeroExt
is also equipped with the
One application of this is a straightforward proof that the quasispectrum of an element in a non-unital Banach algebra is compact, which can be established by passing to the unitization.
The natural map between Unitization ๐ A
and ๐ ร A
, transferred to their WithLp 1
- WithLp.unitization_addEquiv_prod ๐ A = (WithLp.linearEquiv 1 ๐ (Unitization ๐ A)).toAddEquiv.trans ((Unitization.addEquiv ๐ A).trans (WithLp.linearEquiv 1 ๐ (๐ ร A)).symm.toAddEquiv)
Instances For
- WithLp.instUnitizationNormedAddCommGroup ๐ A = NormedAddCommGroup.induced (WithLp 1 (Unitization ๐ A)) (WithLp 1 (๐ ร A)) (WithLp.unitization_addEquiv_prod ๐ A) โฏ
Bundle WithLp.unitization_addEquiv_prod
as a UniformEquiv
- WithLp.uniformEquiv_unitization_addEquiv_prod ๐ A = { toEquiv := (WithLp.unitization_addEquiv_prod ๐ A).toEquiv, uniformContinuous_toFun := โฏ, uniformContinuous_invFun := โฏ }
Instances For
- โฏ = โฏ
- WithLp.instUnitizationRing = inferInstanceAs (Ring (Unitization ๐ A))
- WithLp.instAlgebraOfNatENNRealUnitizationOfIsScalarTower = inferInstanceAs (Algebra R (Unitization ๐ A))
bundled as an algebra isomorphism with Unitization ๐ A
- WithLp.unitizationAlgEquiv R = { toEquiv := WithLp.equiv 1 (Unitization ๐ A), map_mul' := โฏ, map_add' := โฏ, commutes' := โฏ }
Instances For
- WithLp.instUnitizationNormedRing = NormedRing.mk โฏ โฏ
- WithLp.instUnitizationNormedAlgebra = NormedAlgebra.mk โฏ