Roots of Lie algebras with non-degenerate Killing forms #
The file contains definitions and results about roots of Lie algebras with non-degenerate Killing forms.
Main definitions #
: if the Killing form of a Lie algebra is non-singular, it remains non-singular when restricted to a Cartan subalgebra.LieAlgebra.IsKilling.instIsLieAbelianOfIsCartanSubalgebra
: if the Killing form of a Lie algebra is non-singular, then its Cartan subalgebras are Abelian.LieAlgebra.IsKilling.isSemisimple_ad_of_mem_isCartanSubalgebra
: over a perfect field, if a Lie algebra has non-degenerate Killing form, Cartan subalgebras contain only semisimple elements.LieAlgebra.IsKilling.span_weight_eq_top
: given a splitting Cartan subalgebraH
of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra with non-singular Killing form, the corresponding roots span the dual space ofH
: the coroot corresponding to a root.LieAlgebra.IsKilling.isCompl_ker_weight_span_coroot
: given a rootα
with respect to a Cartan subalgebraH
, we have a natural decomposition ofH
as the kernel ofα
and the span of the coroot corresponding toα
: root spaces are one-dimensional.
If the Killing form of a Lie algebra is non-singular, it remains non-singular when restricted to a Cartan subalgebra.
- ⋯ = ⋯
For any α
and β
, the corresponding root spaces are orthogonal with respect to the Killing
form, provided α + β ≠ 0
Elements of the α
root space which are Killing-orthogonal to the -α
root space are
Killing-orthogonal to all of L
If a Lie algebra L
has non-degenerate Killing form, the only element of a Cartan subalgebra
whose adjoint action on L
is nilpotent, is the zero element.
Over a perfect field a much stronger result is true, see
The restriction of the Killing form to a Cartan subalgebra, as a linear equivalence to the dual.
- LieAlgebra.IsKilling.cartanEquivDual H = (LieModule.traceForm K (↥H) L).toDual ⋯
Instances For
The coroot corresponding to a root.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
This is Proposition 4.18 from [carter2005] except that we use
instead of Lie's theorem (and so avoid
assuming K
has characteristic zero).
Given a splitting Cartan subalgebra H
of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra with non-singular
Killing form, the corresponding roots span the dual space of H
The contrapositive of this result is very useful, taking x
to be the element of H
corresponding to a root α
under the identification between H
and H^*
provided by the Killing
- LieModule.Weight.instInvolutiveNegSubtypeMemLieSubalgebra = ⋯