(f : ℝ → ℝ)
(u : ℕ → ℝ)
(x₀ : ℝ)
(u_lim : SequenceHasLimit u x₀)
(f_cont : ContinuousAtPoint f x₀)
SequenceHasLimit (f ∘ u) (f x₀)
How does Lean help you? #
- You can use Lean to verify all the details of a proof.
- Lean helps you during a proof by
- displaying all information in the tactic state
- keeping a proof organized
- proving parts automatically using AI
- You can explore mathematics using
Lean's mathematical library
General context #
Proof assistants software exist since the early 70s.
There is currently a lot of momentum in formalized mathematics, especially Lean:
- AlphaProof
- Terrence Tao has started a few formalization projects
- A proof by Peter Scholze in condensed mathematics was verified in Lean.
Lean exists since 2013, and its mathematical library Mathlib since 2017.