The office computers (as of December 2024) run Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye), with GUI LXQt. Here are some tips for setting up the computer.
username and password.export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8
folder (in the Filesystem root). Lean + Mathlib cache should already be configured correctly to put the .elan
and .cache
folders in that directory.elan
installation script manually from a shell. Since the .profile
script is not run on startup, Lean might not be added to your PATH correctly during installation. If this happens to you, edit ~/.bashrc
manually by adding the line export PATH="${PATH}:/local/<userName>/.elan/bin"
and inserting your username (and then restarting your terminal).Minor:
Go Forward
to Alt+RightArrow
in my HOME directory with the following contents:
xinput set-prop "Cherry GmbH CHERRY Wireless Device Mouse" 300 0.7
xinput set-prop "Cherry GmbH CHERRY Wireless Device Mouse" 303 0, 1
You can run xinput
and xinput list-props
to find the name and properties of your mouse. Here I’m modifying these properties:
libinput Accel Speed (300)
libinput Accel Profile Enabled (303)
The 0.7
can be modified to change the sensivity of the mouse linearly.
I didn’t find a way to automatically run this when logging in (neither .profile
, nor autostart (via GUI or directly editing a config file) seems to work). So I just run this command from .bashrc
and then it gets executed when I open a shell for the first time.
Settings > autoscrolling
to enable scrolling with Middle mouse-buttonPreferences > Window Manager > Keyboard
consider adding more convenient keyboard shortcuts for Maximise window
and Tile window to the left/right
source /home/<userName>/
PS1="\[\033[32m\]\u@\h\[\033[37m\]:\[\033[33m\]\w\[\033[36m\]\$(__git_ps1 ' (%s)')\[\033[00m\]\$ "
alias lc="lake exe cache get"
alias lb="lake build"
alias cm="git checkout origin/master"
alias clm="git checkout master"
alias gp="git push"
alias gc="git commit -am"
alias gcf="git commit -am \"fix\""
alias gcs="git commit -am \"small\""
alias ga="git commit -a --amend --no-edit"
alias master="git fa && cm && lc"
alias gm="git -c core.editor=true merge"
alias gmm="gm origin/master"
alias gmc="git add -u && gm --continue"
alias grc="git add -u && git -c core.editor=true rebase --continue"
alias gff='git merge --ff-only origin/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)'
(also with git config --global --edit
). This is my current setup (I don’t use all aliases, but a few are very useful, especially git l
and git la
editor = codium
autocrlf = input
compression = -1
rebase = true
alias = ! git config --get-regexp ^alias\\. | sed -e s/^alias\\.// -e s/\\ /\\ =\\ /
my-checkout = !git checkout $1 && git reset master --hard && git cherry-pick $1-patch && :
my-commit = !git stash && git checkout master && git stash pop && git commit
unstash = !git stash show -p | git apply -3 && git stash drop
a = "add"
aa = "add --all"
ai = "add --interactive"
amend = "commit --amend -c HEAD"
amendc = "commit --amend -C HEAD"
ap = "add --patch"
assume = "update-index --assume-unchanged"
assumed = "!git ls-files -v | grep ^h | cut -c 3-"
au = "add --update"
b = "branch"
br = "branch"
commit = "commit -v"
ci = "commit -v"
cia = "commit -va"
co = "checkout"
conflicts = "!git ls-files -u | cut -f 2 | sort -u"
cp = "cherry-pick"
d = "diff"
dl = "diff HEAD^"
ds = "diff --staged"
du = "diff origin/master..master"
dump = "cat-file -p"
f = "fetch --prune"
fa = "fetch --all --prune"
fd = "log --diff-filter=D --summary"
ff = "!git ls-files | grep -i"
fm = "log --diff-filter=M --summary"
fo = "fetch origin --prune"
gr = "grep -Ii"
grep = "grep -Ii"
log-pretty = "log --pretty='format:%C(blue)%h%C(red)%d%C(yellow) %s %C(green)%an%Creset, %ar'"
log-stat = "log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Cred%d\\ %Creset%s%Cblue\\ [%cn]' --decorate --stat"
log-hist = "!git log-pretty --graph"
l = "!git log-hist"
la = "!git log-hist --all"
ll = "!git log-stat"
lp = "log --patch"
ls = "!git log-stat"
lt = "!git log-hist --simplify-by-decoration"
lu = "!git log-hist origin/master..master"
merge = "merge --no-edit"
m = "merge --no-ff"
mf = "merge --ff-only"
pf = "pull --ff-only"
pnp = "!git pull --rebase && git push"
r = "reset"
r1 = "reset HEAD^"
r2 = "reset HEAD^^"
rh = "reset --hard"
rh1 = "reset HEAD^ --hard"
rh2 = "reset HEAD^^ --hard"
s = "status -sb"
sa = "stash apply"
sha = "rev-list -n 1 HEAD --"
sl = "stash list"
sp = "stash pop"
ss = "stash save -u"
st = "status"
suba = "submodule add"
subr = "!git-submodule-rm"
subs = "submodule sync"
subu = "submodule foreach git pull origin master"
type = "cat-file -t"
unassume = "update-index --no-assume-unchanged"
unassumeall = "!git assumed | xargs git update-index --no-assume-unchanged"
untracked = "ls-files -o -X.gitignore --exclude=.*"
colormoved = "default"
colorMovedWs = allow-indentation-change
conflictstyle = diff3
default = current
closes the start menu, making the search-box near useless. (this is fixed in LXQt in 2022, but not in the old version we have.)~/.profile
doesn’t seem to ever get executed (even after making it executable). How to run a startup script?